Believe in yourself, SO charges corps members 

Mr. Jolayemi Adekunle, the schedule officer for Service Innovation has charged the 2024 Batch B Stream II Corps Members to have faith in themselves, what they can achieve and what they can become.

Mr Jolayemi gave the charge while delivering a lecture on service innovation at the NYSC Permanent Orientation Camp in Ede, Osun State, today. He began by emphasizing the power of self-belief, urging them to have faith in their unique abilities and dreams, reminding them that no one can take those away. He stressed that with determination and confidence, anything is achievable.

He went on to highlight the critical role of innovation in today’s rapidly evolving world. To drive meaningful change, he encouraged the Corps Members to move beyond outdated methods and embrace creative and critical thinking.

Innovation, according to him, is essential for both service improvement and personal growth, making it a powerful tool for success in the modern workforce.

A major point in the lecture was the concept of commercializing ideas. Mr. Jolayemi urged Corps Members to bring fresh, innovative perspectives to their Places of Primary Assignment (PPA). He emphasized that success lies in thinking outside the box and actively applying their talents and creativity to their tasks.

He concluded with a motivational message, reminding them that once they believe in themselves and adopt an innovative mindset, they are bound to achieve greatness.

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