Compilation Of Tithing Blunders Made By Prosperity Gospel Preachers

Compilation Of Tithing Blunders Made By Prosperity Gospel Preachers


Over the years and decades, we’ve been bombarded by numerous blunders and heretic teachings about tithing from the stables of prosperity teachers, hence it behoved us to compile them so as to expose the prosperity gospel for the scam it truly is.

1. Ayo Oritsejiafor BN(former PFN/CAN president): “if you don’t pay tithes you will die quickly”. (Note: This was the same man whose private jet was impounded by the South African government during the Jonathan government for money laundering).

3. David Oyedepo: “Job’s riches weren’t secured because he didn’t pay tithes”. (Ironically the same Oyedepo later started blowing hot about suffering losses of millions of Naira of his church money being stolen by some of his highly placed church officials).

4. David Ibiyeomie: “Adam didn’t eat any apple. He ate his tithe”.

5. U.O Miracle: “If you eat your tithes, you’ll die poor as Lazarus”.

6. Unknown: “Jesus died poor because He didn’t tithe”.

7. Pastor Adeboye: “anyone who doesn’t pay tithes won’t make heaven”. (He’s since apologized for this heretic teaching though)

8. Pastor Adeboye: “Jesus was not a parish pastor. He was a world evangelist”, as to why “Jesus didn’t collect tithes”. (Expecting an apology for this one very soon)

Please feel free to add yours if you know of any that’s missing on my own compiled list.

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