I Have Slept With Over 3,000 Men -Esther Nwachukwu Reveals

Actress Esther Nwachukwu has made a controversial statement about her s3xual life.

In a recent interview on Honest Bunch podcast, she revealed that she has lost count of the number of men she has slept with, estimating it to be over 3,000.

She also stated that she only has s3x with married men, not single men, from various countries including Nigeria, Cyprus, Turkey, Kenya and Ghana.

The co-host, Nedu asked: “What is your body count?”

Nwachukwu replied: “I have lost count.”

Nedu: “Is it up to 1,000?”

Nedu: “Give me rough estimate of men you’ve slept with.”

Nwachukwu: “I have lost count of the number of men I had slept with. I can’t even remember.”

Nedu: “Is it up to 3,000?”

Nwachukwu: “It is more than. I’ve slept with men from Nigeria, Cyprus, Turkey, Kenya, Ghana, and more. I don’t sleep with single men, I only have s3x with married men.”

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