What Corps Members Must Do to Avoid Problems at NYSC Orientation Camp

Every member shall:

1. Attend regularly, and participate, fully in all official engagements on the field, at lectures and all places of work.

2. Any member who comes late to any official engagement on the field, at lectures or places of work shall be tried by the Camp Court and, if found guilty, be liable to be decamped and sent out of the camp.

3. The member shall only be allowed to come back for service by joining the next batch for the orientation exercise.

4. Not leave orientation camp or absent himself from any official activity without the written consent of the State Coordinator but when absent from his duties on account of illness, ensure that such absences is covered by an Excuse Duty Certificate issued by a medical doctor then on duty at the camp.

5. Any member who leaves the camp without the permission from the State Coordinator shall be tried by the Camp Court and, if found guilty, be liable to be decamped and sent out of camp.

6. The member shall only be allowed to come back for service by joining the next batch for the orientation exercise.

7. Not gamble within the premises.

8. Any member who gambles shall be reported to the police for prosecution.

9. Not be in possession of fire arms or ammunition.

10. Any member who flouts this rule shall be reported to the police for prosecution.

11. Not smoke, chew anything whatsoever, make or answer calls, while on parade and at any other time, not smoke in a prohibited area or throw lighted cigarette butts or lighted matches about the premises carelessly.

12. Any member who is in possession of Hard drugs Indian hemp, heroine etc. shall be reported to the police for prosecution.

13. Not get drunk.

14. Any member found to be drunk shall be tried by the Camp Court and, if found guilty, be liable to extra drill and/or confinement to the camp rehabilitation room for thirty (30) minutes.

15. Not receive visitors in the camp except on Saturdays, Sundays and public Holidays.

16. Any member who flouts this rule shall be tried by the camp court and, if found guilty, be liable to extra drill and/or confinement to the camp rehabilitation room for thirty (30) minutes.

17. Wear the various uniforms provided for the activities

18. Any member who refuses, fails or neglects to comply with this rule shall be tried by the Camp Court and, if found guilty, be liable to be decamped and sent out of the orientation camp

19. Not keep animal pets in camp

20. Any member who brings animal pets to camp shall not be registered and if already registered, shall be decamped.

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